Proudly available worldwide

From lifesaver to devsaver

14 years of working on custom projects exclusively, offering complete website solutions and just being there no matter what, constantly identified us as a real lifesaver.

And then, in 2017, it was time to start sharing our best assets with fellow developers so we became DevSaver, a crew of digital hotshots that can bail you out.

Each one of us has a different mastery you can benefit from:

Site Templates

Pick the perfect wingman to visually enhance your looks piece by piece until you stand out in the crowd.


Meet the underdog forged through thousands of sleepless nights more than ready to battle specs and complete that project.


We all come as one to have your back on the community forum and solve any issue via support tickets.


Our sole mission is to save deadlines by straight out reducing the time & money developers put in.

Brand Logos

The main symbol is used to represent DevSaver, the one-stop shop of ready-made premium website solutions that you can count on.

Main Logo

The overall brand of the company.

Dark version

Used on very light backgrounds

Download ai, svg, png

Light version

Used on dark backgrounds

Download ai, svg, png


Used on both light and dark backgrounds

Download ai, svg, png

Secondary Logos

Products and services included in the overall brand.

Site Templates logo kit

Download ai, svg, png

Web CMS logo kit

Download ai, svg, png

Hangout logo kit

Download ai, svg, png

Size Considerations

All the brand symbols are made on a 16x16 pixel grid so they look the sharpest on these sizes: 32x32px, 64x64px, 128x128px, 256x256px, 512x512px and so on.

Color Palette

The brand uses 3 main colors and a combination of darker and lighter grays.


RGB 143, 209, 35


CMYK 48, 0, 100, 0


RGB 223, 95, 52


CMYK 8, 77, 90, 1


RGB 142, 68, 172


CMYK 53, 84, 0, 0




Usually used in the text color



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