DevSaver CMS add-ons: modules & widgets

Increase the functionality of your platform

Links w/ Icons


You can create links the usual way but also select automatically detected modules from your website structure.


Image Links w/ Carousel


This is an easy way to link out via images you upload and optionally activate the carousel for the maximum effect.


Media w/ Carousel


This allows you to upload all kinds of media resources (image, YouTube, Vimeo, GIF) and optionally enable the carousel.


Rich Text Editor Carousel


This can't have a more suggestive name, a carousel in which you are free to create rich text editor slides.




Some things never change and the good old tabs are still a reliable way to organize content for your visitors.


Testimonials w/ Carousel


Let others know what your clients are saying about their experience of working with you, optionally in a carousel.


Media Cards w/ Flip


Check out this very popular widget with lots of granular settings that allow you to customize everything.


Features w/ Carousel


Use this awesome method to efficiently promote the most important features of your product and optionally enable the carousel.


Features w/ Resource


To be used when words are not enought and need to be strategically arranged around an image to be sure they get the job done.


Can't find something?

Please let us know what kind of functionality you're looking for but doesn't seem to exist and we'll do our best to introduce it as soon as possible. Really.

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