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This is where you can make changes that affect the entire site: basic settings, web app, 3rd party services, media manager & language variables.

Click the tabs to access different settings and content areas. You can recognize which tab you are on by color association, e.g. if you click the orange tab, all the boxes below the tab bar will be orange.

Switch between tabs and use the Edit/Save buttons located in the upper-right corner of each tab area to make changes in all the available boxes.

Site tab

Use the Edit/Save buttons located in the upper-right corner of this section to update its boxes.

Branding box: upload logos (main and inverted color scheme version) and favicon.

Site-Wide HTML Snippets box: globally append or prepend any valid HTML code to all pages of your site in the <head> or <body> tags.

  • Use the Tab key to indent code in the CodeMirror editor which also has syntax highlighter.
  • This box is useful for implementing 3rd party software, e.g. a live chat tool.

Page Speed Optimization box: minify, concatenate, no cache all the CSS/JS code or minify HTML.

Localization box: select the preferred time zone (overwrites the server time zone).

Web App tab

Use the Edit/Save buttons located in the upper-right corner of this section to update its box.

Apple iOS box: upload the home icon & startup image, set the display style (full screen, bar style) and enter the home screen title.

Services tab

Use the Edit/Save buttons located in the upper-right corner of these sections to update their boxes.


Search Console box: enter the HTML meta tag provided in your Google Search Console account.

Analytics box: enable or disable the linking with your Google Analytics account, enter the tracking ID and select between the two versions of Google Analytics (Universal, Custom).

Application (Maps & Others) box: enter the API Key provided in your API Console account.


Webmaster Tools box: enter the HTML meta tag provided in your Bing Webmaster Tools account.


Application box: enable or disable the application, enter the App ID, App Secret and Admin(s) ID separated by comma.

Facebook login and comments will not work without these settings.

Open Graph

Fallback box: enter the fallback title, description & site name tags and upload an image for when your site gets shared.

Twitter box: enter the site and creator tags.

Media Manager tab

Use the Edit/Save buttons located in the upper-right corner of this section to update its boxes.

Carousel - Listing & Details boxes: set the autoplay time, activate auto height, show arrows and dots.

Mass Uploader box: allow file names to be displayed as titles.

YouTube Player box: set the color and play mode (loop, autoplay), show various buttons (full-screen, search, video information, controls), remove the logo and allow related videos to be displayed.

Vimeo Player box: set the color and play mode (loop, autoplay), show various elements (title, author, author portrait, badge, byline).

Local Video Player & Audio Player - Details boxes: set the play mode (loop, autoplay).

  • Media Manager is responsible for routing the resources you upload in some instance modules.
  • The Listing & Details terms refer to what type of pages these settings have effect on.

Lang Vars tab

Use the Search option located right above the Items list box to find text variables by variable or value.

Use the Add New button located in the upper-right corner of the Items list box to create a new global text variable.

In the Items list box, use these buttons to:

- order the global text variable list ascending or descending (click the column titles).

- delete any global text variable.

- trigger the edit section of any global text variable.

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