Instance Modules
This is where you can create and edit pages, organize the site structure in categories and set the homepage of your website for desktop, tablet and phone.
Click the tabs to access different settings and content areas. You can recognize which tab you are on by color association, e.g. if you click the grey tab, all the boxes below the tab bar will be grey.
Pages tab
Use the Add New button located in the upper-right corner of the list box to create a new page; learn more details about this process.
Right above the list box, use the Browse by option to review all the pages included in a category or the Search & Filter options to find pages by keywords, category, status (enabled, disabled, pending), access (guests, users) and device they appear on (desktop, tablet, phone).
Use these list box buttons to:
- delete any page.
- trigger the details section of any page where you can edit its module settings and content.
- vertically drag & drop any page to change its order on the front end.
Categories tab
Use the Add New button located in the upper-right corner of the list box to create a new page category. Simply give it a name and save it, the newly created page category will appear in the left side column of the CMS interface, preceded by a folder icon.
- click the page category name to open a drop list of all the pages included in it.
Categories are useful to keep your site structure organized but also for linking drop menus, mega menus and widgets to them, which will display all the included page names as menu items.
Homepage tab
By default, the homepage of your website is the first enabled page from the top of the Pages list box.
Use the Edit/Save buttons located in the upper-right corner of the tab area and select a homepage from the site structure drop list for desktop, tablet and phone.
Make sure the page(s) you select are also enabled, otherwise the default homepage will act as a fallback.