System Admins
This is where you appoint webmasters on access levels, edit admin profiles and monitor their activity logs.
Click the tabs to access different settings areas. You can recognize which tab you are on by color association, e.g. if you click the yellow tab, all the boxes below the tab bar will be yellow.
Admins tab
Use the Add New button located in the upper-right corner of the Admins list box to create a new webmaster profile.
In the Admins list box, use these buttons to:
- order the admin list ascending or descending (click the column titles).
- delete any admin.
- trigger the edit section of any admin.
The first admin profile does not have a delete button. We removed it for security reasons, so none of the appointed webmasters would be able to hijack the site.
Groups tab
Use the Add New button located in the upper-right corner of the Groups list box to create new admin groups and grant access to them.
Use the Edit/Save buttons located in the upper-right corner of the section to change the first name, last name, username, email or password of an admin.
Logs tab
Use the Search & Filter options located right above the Logs list box to find admin logs by keywords or date range.
In the Logs list box, use these buttons to:
- order the admin log list ascending or descending (click the column titles).
- trigger the details section of any admin log.